Don't F*** This Up! book covers

The margin of error is shrinking.
Don’t F*** This Up.

Has the new normal just f***ed up your future? Did you get your degree in the mail instead of crossing a stage? You’re not alone. You did everything you were supposed to do. You worked hard, got the grades, and you’re ready to start your next phase of life.

Then the floor caved in. Thanks to a global pandemic, you’re entering adulthood, your new career, your college career, or the workforce during record unemployment, a terrifying economy, and social guidelines that have all but eliminated life as you knew it. Like it or not, this is your sink or swim moment.

If having a strategy was important before, now, it’s critical. The choices you make and the practices you adopt right now are going to shape not only your career, but every other aspect of your life as well. It’s a lot to wrap your head around, and frankly, many people are going to screw it up.

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Published by Triumvirate Press  |  617 W. Main Street  |  Knoxville, TN 37902  |