Fred Stuvek Jr. Jan 29 2019
- Checklist – Putting your goals down in writing is not optional, it is mandatory. You should have a checklist of your goals. Each goal should have objectives or milestones with an associated date that you check off which is also a source of motivation and satisfaction.
- Review – You do not want to lose sight of your goals and your progress towards attaining them. Mind share is important, regular review of your goals keeps them front and center.
- Assess – Determine where you stand relative to the checklist. Develop an understanding of where progress is made, where it is not, and what circumstances or habits are responsible for your lack of progress when there are shortfalls.
- Adapt – Commit to make the necessary changes to get you back on track where there is a shortfall.
- Revise – Be realistic and do not be afraid to make revisions, which will be mostly time related, that make sense.
- Avoid Procrastination – The time is now. Do not allow yourself to put something off simply because it is inconvenient or you lack the resolve. Every time you push something back simply because it is easy or convenient to do so you are reinforcing a bad habit.
- Mindset – Maintain a positive mindset and firm resolve. Understand there will some setbacks along the way. Remain undeterred and continue to move forward.
- Support – Do not be afraid to ask for help or advice from friends or family who are supportive. Disregard the naysayers and the doom and gloomers.
- Celebrate – When you have achieved significant milestones treat yourself. This could be something predetermined or a spontaneous mini-event of celebration. This reinforces the fact that you have made progress and is a further source of motivation.
- Self-discipline – It is imperative you maintain a regimen and routine which is supportive of what you are doing and how you are doing it. Ditch the excuses.
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Fred Stuvek Jr. Jan 22 2019
In my earlier blogs I addressed the importance of goals and the five key factors to consider when setting them. Let’s drill down into this further and define the process for you.
1. Establish Three Goals – Why three? Everything you do affects another area of your life, directly or indirectly, just succeeding in one area does not bring real change. Consider the following:
a. Why is it important to you?
b. What is the desired end result?
c. Set both extrinsic and intrinsic goals to achieve a proper balance.
d. Ensure the goals are realistic and attainable with a degree of challenge.
e. Assign timelines to these goals.
2. Alignment – Your goals should be conducive to your lifestyle, work hours, habits, and personal life. If you set goals which require time you don’t have available or are out of sync with your lifestyle or routine you are merely setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. These points should be questioned:
a. Do these goals align with who you are and what you want to be?
b. Are these goals consistent with your values?
c. Are you striking the proper balance so you do not overtly neglect one area in your pursuit of these goals?
d. Do you have people around you who are supportive of you attaining these goals as it is difficult to go it alone?
e. Are you truly motivated and committed to attaining these goals since half-measures or partial commitment will not get you there?
3. Develop and Define – In pursuit of your three goals what specific actions must you take towards attainment of your goals? Visualize your desired outcome and do the following:
a. List the actions you will have to take for each goal.
b. Assign objectives or milestones for each goal.
c. Put timelines associated with each objective or milestone understanding that the sum total of meeting these objectives all contribute towards achieving your goal.
d. Anticipate the obstacles you will overcome and how you will deal with them.
e. Ensure they are realistic and attainable, but not without challenge since meeting these challenges will make attainment of your goals more rewarding.
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Fred Stuvek Jr. Jan 15 2019
When setting goals there are five key factors which come into play. If you are cognizant of these factors and address them upfront your prospects for success are increased.
Motivation – The first question you have to ask yourself is why are you setting these goals, why is it important to you, and how will it make a difference in your life? The goals you establish should be internally driven and established by you, not by external forces. The more you define the benefits of achieving these goals the greater your prospects for success as you envision the broader implications.
Goal Setting – You are likely familiar with the acronym SMART as it pertains to goal setting i.e., specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-related. Every single aspect applies when setting your goals for the new year. Break your goal down into smaller, more measurable steps called objectives with timelines or milestones attached to them. Having a series of short-term objectives which you achieve that are associated with a long-term goal reinforces the fact that you are making progress, albeit one step at a time, all of which reinforces your behavior as these small wins mount up into a great victory.
Mindset – The body follows the mind, if the mind is strong the body will be strong. You have to have a firm belief in what you are doing and the associated benefits. Understand it will take time and effort, there will be setbacks, but vow to yourself to stay the course. Be determined, resolute, and 100% committed. Change your vocabulary. You no longer “think” you can do it, you “know” you can do it. This isn’t something you “should” do, it is something you “will” do.
Habits – If nothing changes, nothing changes. The reason you are making this resolution is because of bad habits. To do this requires a change in behavior. If you are not ready to change, you are ready to fail since only a change in behavior will enable you to reach your goal. Stay focused on what you want to do and what you need to do to achieve your goals. Putting your goals in writing and reviewing progress on a regular basis is not optional, it is mandatory, as these actions reinforce behavior and ingrain the process into your memory.
Discipline – Discipline is the soul of your journey. Discipline will enable you to remain steadfast and resolute and give you the will to take the necessary actions and adhere to the regimen required to achieve your goals. A lack of discipline will result in excuses and allow you to become easily distracted or dissuaded from doing what is necessary to achieve success. Develop a routine that is supportive of you attaining your goal. Stick with this routine and make the commitment to follow through. Over time this new regimen will become ingrained as small successes mount up, bad habits are abandoned, good habits are developed, and you are in control.
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Fred Stuvek Jr. Jan 8 2019
One of the common traits among successful individuals, in whatever walk of life, is goal setting. They have a vision, set goals, and take action. These goals give direction, provide a sense of purpose, and motivate. Setting these goals also creates a bias toward action, rather than continuing your daily routine on autopilot and reverting to your default mode. The body follows the mind, and as you think about these goals your physical side comes into play, putting you in an action mode.
You may not realize it but you set goals for yourself each and every day. These goals may not be written but are there nonetheless as you tick them off one by one. What you need to do is to take this one step further and create a roadmap for yourself on those steps you need to take to turn a vision into reality. Remember, everything may seem the same today, but a year from now, everything will be different.
Not having goals is somewhat analogous to getting into a car and not having a destination. If you do not have any goals any road will take you there so figure out what it is you want to achieve, why is important to you, and what you are going to do. Remember to document your goals as studies have shown that individuals who write down their goals have significantly increased prospects for success than those who do not. What gets written down gets measured and the process of measuring yourself and the progress towards the goals focuses your energy in a positive direction with your new priorities.
With the new year upon us many of you will make one or more resolutions or goals. While these goals are made with the best of intentions, many of you will fail to keep them, with the majority of them falling by the wayside within a month or two. This is not unfamiliar to you as many of you have either had a similar experience or know someone who has set goals for the new year but after a while watched them drift away. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes. Vow to yourself to make the necessary changes. Adopt good habits, be disciplined, and take the necessary steps. The time is now.
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