Below is why I believe that Sharp Leadership is a manual, to overcome adversity in any environment and in any stage of life. I believe that everyone in the world should have a copy of this book, on them at all times, as they go on this journey called life. Life is going to knock you flat on your butt at least one time in your life, and when it does, how fast are you going to get up, if you get up at all?

The leadership principles and real-life stories that I talk about in my book, Sharp Leadership – Overcome Adversity To Lead With Authenticity, are lessons that I have learned in every walk of my life. They work at home when you are trying to rear your children to be self-sufficient, have good moral character, treat people fair, and believe in the Lord or a power higher than themselves.  These guiding principles work when you are trying to be a good spouse and have a fruitful long-term marriage, when the divorce rate is currently about 50%. These leadership tips work when you are on your job and you have a tyrant for a boss and you need to put food on the table. These nuggets work when you are competing on the athletic field, participating in an individual sport and or a team sport. These truths are valuable when you are serving in a capacity as a religious/church leader or parishioner. More important than that, is having the ability, to take your faith walk to the marketplace, and let your uncompromising light shine, in the darkness of this world. If you have chosen to be an entrepreneur and step out on your own, then these rules of the road will help you sell your product by building solid long-term relationships with quality people. They will also help you to create a superior product and deliver world class customer service. My most important pearls of wisdom, were taught to me, when I was eager to listen and I did not have the resources at my disposal to fix whatever problem or obstacle, that I was facing at the time. In other words, I go knocked down, and could not get up by myself. I was not smart enough, strong enough, wealthy enough, or creative enough to fix the problem or overcome my circumstances.   My rock-solid simple principles of never quitting, taking care of your people, building deep – long term relationships, and keeping the priorities of Faith, Family, and friends, when the storms come, are what has kept and keep me going. A burning passion to give back to the next generations as my ancestors did, keeps me energized.

Please feel free to contact me on my website and let me know how we can partner, as well as order my book through my website, where I can autograph a copy for you. My book can also be ordered on Amazon or Barnes & Nobles.

Be blessed,

Carl H. Sharperson, Jr.
Speaker | Author | Leadership Innovation Strategist
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